Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tired of This

Mentioning a salary cap in baseball, as ESPN's First Take did today, is like pointing at the Yankees and saying "Hey no fair". I'm really sick and tired of hearing this. Yes the Yankees have the highest payroll by far but that doesn't equate to being unfair. A lot of times the Yankees spend money in the wrong places. Need proof how's Carl Pavano or Jaret Wright or Kevin Brown or Jose Contreras or Randy Johnson or Hideki Irabu. The list goes on and on. So for the woman on ESPN to say that a salary cap in baseball is not about Yankee hating because teams (which usually implies the Yankees) take all the free agents from the lesser financial markets (Milwaukee, Colorado, Tampa Bay etc.) is total bull. Every team has money to spend and some choose not to. Not to mention you get what you give with a sports team. If you invest nothing into the team, your team won't be very good and no one will want to go to the games leaving you with no income to put back into the team. It's very cyclical.
Every person that is not a fan of the Yankees who mentions a salary cap is clearly reverting back to being a child and tugging on their mommy's dress pointing at their bigger sibling and saying "It's not fair they won't let me win".

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