Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mr. Cashman I Call Bullshit

Cashman has stated that since Nick Johnson will not be playing the field he is at less of a risk than when he was playing the field and that is why the signing isn't as risky as everyone feels. I have to disrespectfully disagree. I'm not gonna say that playing both defense and offense is less risky than just hitting. I will argue that there is just about the same amount of risk. Cashman said that a lot of freak injuries have plagued Johnson and not something they have to worry about blowing up and coming back, ie Matsui's knees. However batting and running the bases provide a ton of opportunities to run into freak injuries. Every at-bat has the looming risk of being hit with the ball and that can break bones, cause concussions, pull muscles, or tear muscles. I dislocated my knee cap swinging in a slow-pitch softball league so the threat of injury can come literally with every swing. Next you have the freak injuries that occur running the bases. Need proof look at Chien Ming Wang, he was injured on a play that he scored standing up on and was done for the season. Lastly there are collisions accidental and purposeful running the bases. Let's say that Johnson is on first, a likely situation, and slides hard to break up a double play and collides with the second baseman. Not a ridiculous situation but potentially hazardous.

I'm not saying that Johnson is going to get hurt. I'm saying I don't buy Cashman's rationalization of signing Johnson.

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